Become a Board Member, Intern or Admin Volunteer!

Let your talents shine, help a worthy cause, and volunteer from home! Scroll down to learn about joining our Board of Directors or becoming an Intern or Administrative Volunteer. Click the button below to fill out an application, and send us an email with your resume and a short note about why this is a good fit for you!

We strongly encourage BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and neurodivergent individuals to apply.


Board of Directors

We are welcoming new board members who have a passion for what we do and a commitment to moving Ziggy’s Art Bus forward! Quarterly Zoom meetings and flexible committee and individual time commitment.


Learn nonprofit management skills and work with a seasoned professional on volunteer management, fundraising, communications and event coordination. Flexible 10 to 25 hours per week and a minimum 3 month commitment.

Film Producer

Ziggy’s needs updated promotional videos! Build your portfolio, direct and produce a promotional film, and help spread the word of Ziggy’s mission through our heartfelt and joyful story.

♥︎ THANK YOU! ♥︎